Its historic mandate in jammu & kashmir after the election , but what came as a surprise that all parties want to bring a , muslim chief minister , who will administrate jammu's majority hindus people as well. Irrespective of no seat from jammu either for PDP, NC, or congress, they are are not buying idea of a hindu cm, but they expect other region will accept forced cm by them. But they forget that jammu & laddakh public has been ignored by all previous government by this principle of secularism, how if a hindu cm will become communal and a muslim cm will be secular as they say it, no one can digest. They talk about secularism in state and in country but when comes to implement , they always prefer communilism, so in reality they are actaul favouring communilism by trying to disrespect the mandate. Where its going , think ..if jammu will not get its dues and a coalition if formed from valley. It will have direct impact on statehood of J&K. People from j...
Ravindra Maurya is a political science and public administration major , Interact daily with number of people with diffrent approach on effecting social and political life. He writes blog on current affairs with depth analysis of what these incident has to offer in future.