Now its a taste for Chief minister Nithish kumar's micro engeeniring in coming assembly election after the fall of lokshabha election last year. It is yet to be seen how Lalu prasad yadav's RJD and Nitish Kumar's JDU tieing their knot to defeat NDA , who is holding strong and force one time foe to became friends. But it seems Lalu prasad is more intrested to pull Nithish kumar down than compete with NDA, as can be easily understood by his latest praise for Jiten ram manjhi, the ex cm of bihar . Why Mr lalu is trying to include Mr manjhi ? What made him to issue that statement? Knowing that it will affect Janta dal merger , it can be collapsed before taking a shape. Any one who knows caste dynamics of bihar can easily understand this , as mahadalit community presence is huge aprrox 17%, that will help a lot to RJD and mr Lalu prasad. As he still enjoy MY equition, that means muslims, yadav and mahadalits will become major force if they can be polarised one side along ...
Ravindra Maurya is a political science and public administration major , Interact daily with number of people with diffrent approach on effecting social and political life. He writes blog on current affairs with depth analysis of what these incident has to offer in future.