Why new delhi chief minister Mr kejriwal intended to hold assebly session in open ? Isn't he making mockery of democarcy. He is leader of legally elected legislature , as per constitution, public of a particular constituancy has given their power to a particular MLA to take decisionon their behalf. Then what is the need to hold assembly session in open. Does he expect all delhi people to come and join his drama leaving their all work behind. Its a question mark. It also means that a small crowd of public will take decision , then question arises on elections, need of democracy. If this is the right way, then he should also resign from the chief minister post. Because no need of cm, every time need arises public will gather at one place and will take important decision. Like they used to do in adam era. He must remembr that Delhi public is well educated , if they can end congress long rule...then they will also through any person out of power at any given time. It would be be...