Today president of India shree Ramnath kovind has approved triple talaq ordinance. Crores of ladies were waiting for this moment to come out of inequality. Modi government has taken a historic steps , whereas opposition including congress are still crying foul play . 60yrs of congress rule and they couldn't take this kind of step due to fear of loosing minority vote , they have always played safe and have not been concern about uplifment of muslim ladies . Modi jee doesn't play vote bank politics and work for "sabka saath sabka vikash " , however people in opposition complaining about timing of this ordinance as they say BJP wants to break muslim vote bank to win 2019 genral election . This might be true , so what government should always work for betterment and upliftment of society and Modi government is doing it , if they are aiming vote bank of muslim ladies , so be it. Anyways every muslim family has a daughter and , a father or mother never wants their dau...
Ravindra Maurya is a political science and public administration major , Interact daily with number of people with diffrent approach on effecting social and political life. He writes blog on current affairs with depth analysis of what these incident has to offer in future.