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Showing posts from 2017

Schools - Loot ki dukan

Killing of a schools boys in international schools made me think that no body is safe , anywhere . It's like you are sending to same old government school where there is no facility and you kid is "Bhagwan Barose" These schools charge high amount from parents on the name of providing all kind of facility, but hires uneducated person as support staff not only that I doubt their background verification mechanism before hiring. Training and safety guidelines and do don'ts briefing they merely conducts of these people. I have seen School bus driver racing on road, not following traffic guidelines . Many incidents of harassment of students by Bus driver, supports staffs and teachers are coming these days , but no schools are looking it seriously. Time has come to make strict law and hang those rapist and put them for life in jail who does this kind of shamefull activity with kids . These private schools has become hungry for money and they don't see any thing ex...

Attacks on Hindustan

Very pained to know about Yesterday terrorist attack on amarnath yatri bus that claimed 7 life was sign of coward terror . Its not attack on hindus its a challege to all whole hindustan and their multicultural identity. Time has come to start full flege war against antinationals and pakistan sponsered terrorism. Why only hindus are being targetted hindus are very much secular and they don't pickup gun to defend their religion where as others in the name of religion supporting these coward and sympathies with them. Many media houses and political leaders supports their terror organization and demorlised Army and majority in india. We need to come toghether to defend our culture and heritage but we are tied with diffrent ideology through currupt and minority appeasement politics . No one is worried about hindus rights and their culture , this is becoming unbearable , genral public is fedup with only statement by home Ministry with effery attack on indian soil and opposition...

Synonymous of sabka saath sabka vikash

The Centre and Jammu and Kashmir government were asked by the Supreme Court to “sit together” and find a solution to “contentious” issues including whether over 68 per cent Muslims in the state can be regarded as minority and avail benefits under the category. Time has come to decide state wise and district wise on minority status and reservation system  as many state and caste is enjoying tax payer money excessively as there is no review from government due to political motives of different parties . There are cases where majority populations are enjoying benefits given for minority , J & k has 68% muslims but they are taking all benefits of minority status , where as asctial minority such as Sikhs, Budhist, Hindus are being denied there rights. There should be immediate review should be done in prospect of SC order so that social justice can be made and development and growth for all human beings to ensure. Same applicable for reservation system as...

NDA rise means

Hindusm has new hope in india after 10 years rule of congress worst rule , where majority rights were denied or made them suffocated in the name of minority appeasement. After 2014 election and modi yug rise , people of india feeling proud again and yogi rule in UP has powered Hindus to be more optimistic. Now one can feel safe and secure socially and politically as there are government who will think their betterment and secure their rights along with fare treatment to all community . Development for all and appeasement to none is the mantra for this government and i blieve they will definitely fulfil their promises made during elections . Be it citizen charter, artical 370, Ram Mandir, electricity, Job creation, social and economic development. As people of India has blieved their promises and honored them with full majority . Public has no doubt in Modi or BJP caliber as this is only political party has left in India , who has zero percent curruption charges within party or rulin...

UP election - SC order and reality

Supreme court said leaders and political parties should refrain from using religion , catism in election rallies. But how many parties has followed it. From tickets distribution to openly asking for any particular community support , people has seen it. Many religious leader also has directed their community to vote for a particular party. Few parties and leader are not accepting this , they are saying that we are fighting on development issue. But if one goes to villages and speak to general public will easily come to know that people has been divided among casteism and religion . Election has been polarised. Till one month back Congress was saying 27 saal up behal now they formed alliance with SP and chanting new mantra , UP ko ye Saath Pasand hai, really ??? 4.5yrs SP ruled this state but has not given any thing except Highway ads on television, Akhilesh Jee has made himself progressive leader by defending his father and uncle. But people say that all drama created knowingly ...

JNU and DU - should shut down

These universities making youth hate their country in the name of freedom of speech. One girl whose father sacrifices his life four country is saying pakistan did not killed his father,  war did. What kind of statement is that. If her father watching from heaven , he must be thinking , why this girl born as his daughter. Crores of family whose son - daughters  are serving country are worried about this  kind of fashion trends, that makes their moral down. We as a citizen of India wants to know whose brain is behind these anti national thinking and why government allowing these on the name of freedom of speech. Why all opposition parties supporting these kind of non sense. Is it only to defame BJP. Don't they have any other subject to question government. Yes it seems they don't have any other options as NDA government is not giving them any opportunity to them to raise finger. There is no corruption , no ghotalas, no appeasement. Indian peoples are happy even after...