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Election 2019

Master Stroke- Ayodhya dispute

After master stroke of EWS bill, surgical strike, triple talak,decimating Pakistan across world,Modi jee brings again one major master stroke on Ram Mandir construction, this is a major move and nobody will be able, be it political parties or media, to oppose. Government has apealed supereme court to return 67 acre land that is not disputed at ayodhya. It's is important to note that after too many date given for hearing on ayodhya dispute by supereme court there is no progress made as SC is not bothered by emotions of billions of low abiding Hindus , who were hopping for justice by superem court and as every body knew judges of supereme courts is relieving themself one by one from the bench. It's offending corores of Hindus belief in justice system. So there was a big pressore on government to either bring an ordinance or find some other alternative to give a way to construct Ram Mandir. Hindus who forms major vote bank of BJP is loosing hopes in Modi government and ...
Recent posts

Rahul Gandhi - worth of this hype?

Now a days there is too much Rahul Gandhi in social media and TV channels, has anybody realise how suddenly Rahul's name has started poping in National media.what is the reason behind it? have you ever thought, why this dynst politician is the epic center of all social media, leftist, liberal,tukde gang and TV channels. There is a plan strategy to engage people in this propaganda of Congress so that people don't have time to think about the Welfare work done by Modi government during his four and half years rule. this is very much visible from current and past incident where opposition leaders asking support from Pakistan,China, uae & even London. There is so much fear in opposition that they have forgotten all the principles and animity among them and has come together to defeat Modi. No media houses talking about achievement and benefit provided by Modi government to economically weaker section and poor people, infrastructure development is the highest in this sh...

The Dark Hourse of 2019 - Nitish Kumar

There is too much noise about Priyanka Gandhi in political circle , who has been recently appointed as a General Secretary of Eastern UP, people are also talking about Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj party coming together for 2019 election. Political pundits are calculating Pro and cons of recently formed coalition of SP and BSP, effect of Priyanka Gandhi in National politics.  Very few political pundits are talking about Bihar Chief Minister Mr Nitish Kumar & Orissa Chief Minister Mr Naveen Patnaik. Both of them are chief minister from long time and are very experienced in National politics. They are known to be very astute while judging political wave in India and Are Very respected leader by all political party.  Come closer to them in terms of political awareness and popularity is Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee who is trying to form a coalition of third front except Congress and has her on ambition to occupy top post. however she has li...

Priyanka Gandhi- Final nail in congress coffin

Coming February and we will see priyanka vadra fully active in Indian politics, from long time she was behind cutlrtain and helped in her own capacity. Prinyanka vadra/Gandhi arrival in active politics news has spread like fire and congress is celebrating like a big achievement , congresi cadre has been given new lease of life. Making her Uattarpradesh incharge for 2019 election hoping that she will revive congress 2009 performance of 29 seats. Congress has made a big bet on priyanka and future of congress, if she succeeds in her assignment she will  be on way of to become next Indira Gandhi, on contrary if she fails it will be final nail in the coffin of congress. Now as she has got involved directly in active politics , it will be intresting to see what contribution she is going to make in Indian politics and a sinking congress upliftment . Rahul Gandhi just completed 13 month as national president of congress but if we leave recent win in election of 3 state...

कमलनाथ जी आएं हैं सन ८४ भी साथ लाए हैं।

जबसे कांग्रेस की सरकार आयी है मध्यप्रदेश में ,तब से लोग भयभीत हैं । एक गांव के किसान से बात हुई ,दो लाख का कर्ज है पर अभी तक माफ नही हुआ। कुछ दूर जाने पर एक बडी सी लाइन दिखी, पता चला कि यह लाइन खाद के लिए लगी है। लोग रात से खड़े हैं लाइन मे कबंल के साथ। क्योंकि लाइन बहुत ही बड़ी थी पुरी रात यही गुजारनी पड़गी , सभी बाजार और दुकानो का यही हाल.था। ऐसा लग रहा था कि Jio सिम लेने की लाइन हो। गाँव से बाहर निकाल ही रहा था कि खबर मिली कि सन ८४ वाले मामा ने अपना रंग दिखाना चालू कर दिया। केरल और बंगाल के राह का अनुसरण करते हुए विपक्षी सोच को कुचलने के लिय चक्रव्यूह तैयार हो चुका है । दो विपक्षी नेताओं की निमृम हत्या और इसको सामान्य घटना के रूप में प्रचलित करना , इस चक्रव्यूह का पहला चरण है । सन ८४ वाले मामा की जादुगरी चल चुकी है यह २०१९ मे जाकर ही रूकेगी । जब तक भाजपा की सरकार थी , एक भी राजनितिक प्रतिद्वन्दी की अप्राकृतिक मौत नही हुई थी। विपक्ष ये आरोप लगा रहा है कि सरकार हर मोर्चें पर असफल है  और मंत्री जी अपना सन ८४ का ज्ञान अभी उपयोग करने मे व्यस्त हैं। Nota वाले अब पछतावा ...

Is Bengal Politics on verge of collapse ??

Today in kolkata on bigrade ground there was big political rally in leadership of TMC chief Mamata banerjee , she was able to bring all Modi haters at one place .Total 22 regional parties chief came on board. These unity looks good on paper but is it possible to bring it on ground ? May be not as all regional parties have their own expectation . In case these unity proved fruitful in coming days , won't India will become politically unstable country ? I have proof of past history , whenever third front tried to rule India , there government has not last more than six month . VP singh, Chandrashekhar,Deve gowda, Gujral & Vajpayee tried to govern India with help of several regional party , what happened to their Government, everybody knows . Those party who participated in today rally they are sulking due to Modi wave & have lost their ground , how much they will be benefitted by this unity is yet to see. People like shatrudhan sinha, yashvant sinha, y...

A federal front in 2019 ?

Few month left for general election in India. All parties trying to woo public by all means be it regional aspirations or religion, cast matrix. Coming to national parties Congress, once upon a time rulling all India ,now has shrink to regional party level, however all partyman has high hope this time with new energy ,that they got from recently conculuded 3 state election. However political analysts says that this win is because of anti incumbency of previous government and not efforts of Congress national president. Anyway a win is a win maybe it's small but far enough to boost demotivated congressi soldiers to stand again. They have left miniority appeasement for some time and running behind majority vote . Their current action on ayodhya case distruption is big drawback , people has understood their tantaram and mostly will not buy it. Rahul Gandhi is trying to form a coilation of opposition parties but regional party chief has bigger aspirations than...